Aged Neck

Learn how we improve your aged neck...

Loose skin on the neck due to aging is a common occurrence most particularly for older people. This is due to the loss of collagen and elastin in our skin, which are normally the proteins that give our skin structure. It can also be due to the changes in the structure of the muscles with age, resulting in pulling down the skin in the neck and giving the appearance of a saggy neck. Rapid and massive weight loss after obesity can also be a factor in the visibility of sagging neck skin because of the skin's inability to keep the pace of elasticity with the rapid rate of weight loss. To treat this, we can use thread lift and neck band reductions. 

Treatment Options

Neck band (Vertical) Reduction

One of the treatment options is Botulinum Toxin injections, which results in relaxing the muscles that pulls down the skin of the lower face. When the muscle relaxes, that will reduce the appearance of the saggy skin and improves the neck shape and structure.


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Key information

Procedure Time

15 Mins

After Treatment

Some redness, swelling and possibly bruising

Back to Work

Usually Same Day


None required

Number of Treatments


Duration of Results

4 months

Neck Band (Horizonal) Reduction

In treating horizontal neck bands, dermal fillers are usually used. The anatomy of the neck and the manner in which it bends contributes to their development at an early age and these necklines can often become deeper and more prominent with age. Dermal filler injection is a safe, effective, and long-lasting treatment to plump the skin and reduce the visibility of these lines. Particularly for horizontal necklines, hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are used, which is mostly composed of hyaluronic acid that is a naturally occurring sugar molecule in our bodies.


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Neck Band (Horizonal) Reduction

In treating horizontal neck bands, dermal fillers are usually used. The anatomy of the neck and the manner in which it bends contributes to their development at an early age and these necklines can often become deeper and more prominent with age. Dermal filler injection is a safe, effective, and long-lasting treatment to plump the skin and reduce the visibility of these lines. Particularly for horizontal necklines, hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are used, which is mostly composed of hyaluronic acid that is a naturally occurring sugar molecule in our bodies. These treatments are proven to be safe, effective, and long-lasting treatments to reduce the visibility of these lines. 


Book a Consultation

Key information

Procedure Time

45 Mins

After Treatment

Some redness, swelling and possibly bruising

Recovery Time

2-3 days


Numbing Cream

Number of Treatments


Duration of Results

9-12 months

All treatments are carried out by our expert team of aesthetic professionals.

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