Body Sculpting

Treatment Option

Fat dissolving injections

Fat dissolving injections for Fat reduction in certain areas of the body...


Fat dissolving injections medically known as injection lipolysis is a non-surgical treatment used to ‘remove’ fat by dissolving them. Fats like other components in our body can be broken down into smaller parts, and the injection specifically does the job. The injection is usually composed of deoxycholic acid, which can remove fat in the area by fat cell disruption and fat cell death. 


This procedure is incredibly effective in the treatment of localized fat, meaning, we can target specific areas of the body where the patient desires to reduce the fat.  A local anesthetic cream may be applied to the area before injecting to make the procedure painless. This treatment is commonly used in areas that are very hard to burn even in exercises such as the chin, thighs, and abdomen.


This procedure also has no downtime, meaning you can immediately resume your daily activities after your appointment. However, like any other procedure, you can expect some mild, redness, bruising, and swelling on the affected area. Most patients have at least two treatments spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart, which is also the duration when the swelling and bruising are fully healed. 

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Laser Skin Resurfacing

How does it work?

This non ablative fractional technology uses microbeams of energy to create areas of affected tissue that extend through the epidermis into the dermis. This triggers the body’s natural healing process to create new, healthy collagen. 

What results can I expect? 

You will have an improvement in both tone and texture, resulting in younger looking skin. Treatment plans can be adjusted to fit everyone’s lifestyle – speak to your provider regarding desired downtime, comfort, and results.

Best for: skin tightening and long-term anti-ageing


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Laser Treatment

How does it work?

This fractional technology uses pulses of laser light to target and break down stretch marks, triggering new tissue production underneath the skin. This new collagen will help improve both the texture and color of the stretch marks.

What results can I expect?

You can expect to see a decrease in the appearance of your stretch marks and a smoother texture of the skin. Treatment plans can be adjusted to fit everyone’s lifestyle – speak to your our team regarding desired downtime, comfort, and results.


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All treatments are carried out by our expert team of aesthetic professionals.

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