Congested or Oily Skin

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An oily skin is characterized by excess oil on the face that is produced leaving a greasy appearance. This is due to the glands in our skin that produce sebum, an oily substance that normally lubricates and prevents the skin from drying out. An overproduction of these oils can lead to blocked and enlarged pores that accumulate dead skin cells. As clogged and enlarged pores are a magnet to dirt and bacteria build up, this most often results in inflammation, blackheads, pimples, and even acne. Treatments can come in the form of skincare products, facial pore reduction, facials, and chemical peels. 

Treatment Options


Skincare is a combination of practices that cleanses and support the skin, to enhance its appearance and condition. It can include a regimen that removes dirt, excess oil, cleaning the face, rejuvenation, and even protection via sunscreen and recommendations on makeup use. While steps vary, the typical order is to clean, tone, moisturize, occasionally exfoliate, and apply sunscreen. Skincare is important as it helps the skin be healthy and stay in good condition. Naturally, dirt will build up in our face, and we are shedding skin cells throughout the day, so it's important to have a regimen that can effectively clean this to prevent inflammations. An effective routine can help slow down signs of aging, prevent acne, treat wrinkles, and help keep the skin looking its best. Once it is established, it is easier to maintain. 


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Key information


Courses vary per patient

After Treatment


Recovery Time



None required

Number of Treatments


Duration of Results

Long Lasting

Blood Analysis for Oily Skin

Blood analysis is a laboratory examination of a sample of blood extracted from someone that is aimed at obtaining information about its physical and chemical properties. Through blood analysis, we are able to check hundreds of different blood parameters in order to assess for imbalances and then treat these imbalances, and these properties in the blood can reveal many underlying causes of conditions. Androgen hormones are responsible for the overproduction of sebum, and oily skin will give off a higher level of androgen hormones, which can readily be detected through blood analysis. If these results are reflected in the blood test, we can then accommodate a plan to treat these conditions and prevent oily skin from reoccurring. 


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Facials are cleaning treatments that aim to clean pores and exfoliate the skin. This is a multi-step process that is meant to rejuvenate and nourish faces, making skin appear healthier and younger by cleaning and removing the debris, dirt, or bacteria build-up under the skin. Common problems such as milia, blackheads, and whiteheads are treated by extraction facials. Each facial begins with a consultation to help the clinician assess the skin and the best treatment for it. Facial steps can vary in many clinics, but generally, they include these five basic steps of cleansing, exfoliation, extractions, massage, and masks. Cleansing is as straightforward as it sounds where they clean the face. This step is also an assessment where it will help them determine what kind of custom mask to apply later. Exfoliation involves removing all the dead skin cells in the face by using cream or scrubs. Extraction is the process where pores are cleaned especially when they become clogged with excess oil and dirt build-up. Massage will then follow which is aimed to relax the patient and improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Lastly, masks will then be placed to temporarily treat the oiliness or dryness of the skin. 


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Facials are cleaning treatments that aim to clean pores and exfoliate the skin. This is a multi-step process that is meant to rejuvenate and nourish faces, making skin appear healthier and younger by cleaning and removing the debris, dirt, or bacteria build-up under the skin. Common problems such as milia, blackheads, and whiteheads are treated by extraction facials. Each facial begins with a consultation to help the dermatologist assess the skin and the best treatment for it. Facial steps can vary in many clinics, but generally, they include these five basic steps of cleansing, exfoliation, extractions, massage, and masks. Cleansing is as straightforward as it sounds where they clean the face. This step is also an assessment where it will help them determine what kind of custom mask to apply later. Exfoliation involves removing all the dead skin cells in the face by using cream or scrubs. Extraction is the process where pores are cleaned especially when they become clogged with excess oil and dirt build-up. Massage will then follow which is aimed to relax the patient and improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Lastly, masks will then be placed to temporarily treat the oiliness or dryness of the skin. 


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Key information -update

Procedure Time

45 Mins

After Treatment

Redness, sensitivity and peeling

Recovery Time

5-7 days



Number of Treatments

1-3 (every 6 weeks)

Duration of Results


Chemical Peel

A chemical peel is a procedure where we put a chemical solution to the face to remove the top layers to reveal the young healthy skin underneath. These procedures typically use naturally occurring acids to exfoliate, brighten and smooth the skin. They are used to reduce or improve fine lines and wrinkles, acne, scars, pigmentation, and other skin imperfections. Depending on the damage, the strength of peels can vary from mild to intense to accommodate the condition of the skin.


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Key information

Procedure Time

45 Mins

After Treatment

Redness, sensitivity and peeling

Recovery Time

5-7 days



Number of Treatments

1-3 (every 6 weeks)

Duration of Results


Pore Reduction Facial

Our pore reduction facial is a treatment aimed to reduce the sizes of pores. While procedures can vary, they usually three types used to successfully reduce pore size. First, micro-needling, where the skin is punctured by incredibly small needles to stimulate collagen production and skin repair. Second, chemical peels, which are effective in not only reducing pores but also giving radiant healthy skin by cleaning and exfoliation. Third, are laser treatments to the skin to tighten it and stimulate skin repair. 


Book a Consultation

Key information -update

Procedure Time

1h 30mins

After Treatment

Redness, sensitivity, puffiness and peeling

Recovery Time

5 days


Numbing cream

Number of Treatments

3-4 treatments (1 every 6 weeks)

Duration of Results


All treatments are carried out by our expert team of aesthetic professionals.

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