Facial Thread Veins

Get your gleam on...

Facial thread veins, are smaller and thinner than varicose veins, but are visibly large enough to be seen usually appearing on the face and legs. While they are not dangerous to our health, they can be difficult to conceal with makeup, and can appear as red to bluish vessels that web underneath the skin surface. They are usually caused by sun exposure, as the sun damage skin cells that make collagen resulting in thinner skin and more apparent blood vessels. They can also appear because of other factors like inflammation, hormones, trauma, and medication. In treating this condition, we often use laser thread vein treatment. 

Treatment Options

Laser Thread Vein Treatment

How does it work?

Laser light targets and constricts the blood vessels in the face that cause spider veins without harming the surrounding tissue.

What results can I expect?

Reduction in the appearance of the facial vein, more than one treatment may be required. Speak to one of our clinicians for more details.


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Key information

Procedure Time


After Treatment

Some redness and sensitvity

Recovery Time

Usually none


None required

Number of Treatments

4-6 (1 per month)

Duration of Results

Years +

All treatments are carried out by our expert team of aesthetic professionals.

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