
Get your gleam on...

Hypopigmentation refers to patches of skin that are lighter than our overall skin tone. Our skin's pigmentation, or color, is based on the production of a substance called melanin, our body's natural pigment. If your skin cells don't produce enough melanin, the skin can lighten, resulting in hypopigmentation, and these effects can occur in spots or may cover your entire body. Genetic and severe environmental conditions can cause melanin disruption and can cause melanocytes to unpredictably produce various levels of melanin pigment that can result in uneven skin tone. As causes for hypopigmentation vary in every individual, it is important to consult an expert skin practitioner who can assess the underlying cause of your pigmentation problem and advise on the best treatment options for you. 

Treatment Options


Skincare is a combination of practices that cleanses and support the skin, to enhance its appearance and condition. It can include a regimen that removes dirt, excess oil, cleaning the face, rejuvenation, and even protection via sunscreen and recommendations on makeup use. While steps vary, the typical order is to clean, tone, moisturize, occasionally exfoliate, and apply sunscreen. Skincare is important as it helps the skin be healthy and stay in good condition. Naturally, dirt will build up in our face, and we are shedding skin cells throughout the day, so it's important to have a regimen that can effectively clean this to prevent inflammations. An effective routine can help slow down signs of aging, prevent acne, treat wrinkles, and help keep the skin looking its best. Once it is established, it is easier to maintain. 


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Key information


Courses vary per patient

After Treatment


Recovery Time



None required

Number of Treatments


Duration of Results

Long Lasting


Facials are cleaning treatments that aim to clean pores and exfoliate the skin. This is a multi-step process that is meant to rejuvenate and nourish faces, making skin appear healthier and younger by cleaning and removing the debris, dirt, or bacteria build-up under the skin. Common problems such as milia, blackheads, and whiteheads are treated by extraction facials. Each facial begins with a consultation to help the dermatologist assess the skin and the best treatment for it. Facial steps can vary in many clinics, but generally, they include these five basic steps of cleansing, exfoliation, extractions, massage, and masks. Cleansing is as straightforward as it sounds where they clean the face. This step is also an assessment where it will help them determine what kind of custom mask to apply later. Exfoliation involves removing all the dead skin cells in the face by using cream or scrubs. Extraction is the process where pores are cleaned especially when they become clogged with excess oil and dirt build-up. Massage will then follow which is aimed to relax the patient and improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Lastly, masks will then be placed to temporarily treat the oiliness or dryness of the skin. 


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Chemical Peel

A chemical peel is a procedure where we put a chemical solution to the face to remove the top layers to reveal the young healthy skin underneath. They are important in maintaining the health of your skin and are also one of the most effective facial treatments available in the cosmetic industry. These procedures typically use naturally occurring acids to exfoliate, brighten and smooth the skin. They are used to reduce or improve fine lines and wrinkles, acne, scars, pigmentation, and other skin imperfections. Depending on the damage, the strength of peels can vary from mild to intense to accommodate the condition of the skin.


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Key information

Procedure Time

45 Mins

After Treatment

Redness, sensitivity and peeling

Recovery Time

5-7 days



Number of Treatments

1-3 (every 6 weeks)

Duration of Results


Laser Hyperpigmentation Treatment

What is Hyperpigmentation?

The upper layers of the skin contain pigment cells called melanocytes. They produce pigment called melanin that is then distributed evenly throughout the epidermis to give the natural colouration of the skin. In response to trauma, inflammation, sun exposure, hormones and as a result of genetics, pigment can be over-produced and form ‘clumps’ that look like areas of darker discolouration or ‘hyperpigmentation’. There are a number of different types of hyperpigmentation; common types include: freckles, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, sun damage and melasma.

Laser is a safe and effective solution to treat hyperpigmentation. There are usually two types of lasers used in treating hyperpigmentation: ablative and non-ablative lasers. Ablative lasers are stronger, and they involve removing layers of your skin and rejuvenating the skin by resurfacing its upper layers, enabling new skin to form while simultaneously stimulating the development of collagen. Non-ablative procedures, on the other hand just target the dermis to stimulate collagen growth and produce tightening effects. They both work as they replenish the skin to the healthy condition and shatter pigment particles, effectively lightening areas of concern. 


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Laser Hyperpigmentation Treatment

What is Hyperpigmentation?

The upper layers of the skin contain pigment cells called melanocytes. They produce pigment called melanin that is then distributed evenly throughout the epidermis to give the natural colouration of the skin. In response to trauma, inflammation, sun exposure, hormones and as a result of genetics, pigment can be over-produced and form ‘clumps’ that look like areas of darker discolouration or ‘hyperpigmentation’. There are a number of different types of hyperpigmentation; common types include: freckles, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, sun damage and melasma.

Laser is a safe and effective solution to treat hyperpigmentation. There are usually two types of lasers used in treating hyperpigmentation: ablative and non-ablative lasers. Ablative lasers are stronger, and they involve removing layers of your skin and rejuvenating the skin by resurfacing its upper layers, enabling new skin to form while simultaneously stimulating the development of collagen. Non-ablative procedures, on the other hand just target the dermis to stimulate collagen growth and produce tightening effects. They both work as they replenish the skin to the healthy condition and shatter pigment particles, effectively lightening areas of concern. 


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Key information

Procedure Time


After Treatment

Darkening & peeling of pigmentation

Recovery Time

1-3 days


None required

Number of Treatments

3-4 (1 per month)

Duration of Results

Years +

Cosmelan & Dermamelan Pigmentation Programmes

Cosmelan and Dermamelan are chemical peels that safely and effectively treat pigmentations. Generally, cosmelan is a milder procedure than dermamelan, and is used in treating cases with minimal pigmentation and/or for a general rejuvenating effect. On the other hand, dermamelan peel is used for more severe pigmentation, especially for stubborn melasma. These peels work by blocking the pigment making cells to make any more pigment, to produce glowing and bright skin. Even if both treatments differ in strength, both peels undergo the same procedure of undergoing pre-peel skincare, preparatory peel, cosmelan/dermamelan peel, and post-peel skincare that may last for a year. Aside from improving the pigments on the skin, they can also help in regulating oil secretion, reducing the sizes of pores, and helping to prevent acne breakouts which all aim to restore the natural and healthy condition of the skin. 


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Key information

Procedure Time

30 minutes per treatment

After Treatment

Redness, sensitivity and peeling

Recovery Time

10 days


None Required

Number of Treatments

x2 in-clinic treatments with homecare regime

Duration of Results


All treatments are carried out by our expert team of aesthetic professionals.

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