Lip lines are the little vertical lines that form above and below the lips of adults. They start to develop in our early adults and persist throughout our lives. As these lines are on the face, they are very hard to hide even with makeup. As we age, we lose collagen and elastin, which are proteins that give our skin structure, and the loss of these proteins will eventually cause these lines. When we have repetitive facial expressions, it can cause the skin to be repeatedly creased, as well as gravity, and even sleeping that causes the face to be scrunched by the pillow which can leave these lines. Treatment options for this condition are Anti-Wrinkle treatment, Dermal Fillers and Biorevitalisation.
Procedure Time
After Treatment
Back to Work
Number of Treatments
Duration of Results
Procedure Time
Recovery Time
Back to Work
Number of Treatments
Duration of Results
Procedure Time
After Treatment
Back to Work
Number of Treatments
Duration of Results